Culture maori et trésors du Pacifique ce matin ( ah les tapas de Huon, Papouasie Nouvelle Guinée et de Niue...) et 4th Auckland trienial , l'après midi ( ah, the Shilpa Gulpa's airport-style flap board and the singing cloud ... )
Corean food for lunch ( pancakes) and for dinner. The teacher just told me that 15% of the Aucklanders come from Asia.
The guy who knows Auckland like his pocket told me that you can bungy jump from the sky tower. Quelle horreur. (Cette information ravira Vava D. de S H.)
I run this morning
up the hill down the hill
with my gazelle shoes
The flap board told me
I want to fly with you, dear
just a little bit
2 commentaires:
Aux dernières nouvelles
'gusty ' voudrait dire 'venteux'
Au dico d'ici.
Ici France,Allô Londres,,
Demandons confirmation...
confirmé : venteux, humide, pluvieux, boueux, glissant but GORGEOUS
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